In Peru, the cultures from the past are known for their pottery. Often, pottery is included in the burials, which are found when the burials are excavated.
As we wish to be respectful of our hosts and the rules of Peru, we left the potsherds behind and took only photographs. Below are the photos of the ones we found along the road that goes to Centro Mallqui on Ilo: Day 4.
On Ilo: Day 6, we visited the sites of Loreto and an ancient Chiribaya copper smelting factory. As I found only piece of pottery at Loreto, but I was surprised to discover fragments of china near the smelting factory. The results are posted below.
On Ilo: Day 10, we visited the site of Chiribaya Alto. There, we encountered a wide variety of potshards. Some of the photographs are of the same piece of pottery, but they are photographed from different angles. Below our results, which we photographed and left behind.