Mind Your Mental Health

Mind Your Mental Health

Suicide Prevention Month logo

September is National Suicide Prevention Month

WCC Counselors - September 03, 2024

This month can bring up a lot of strong emotions for those of us who have been impacted by suicide.

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tags: Students, Faculy

July is BIPOC Mental Health Month

WCC Counselors - July 10, 2024

Every person deserves access to empathic mental health care. If you are struggling with any mental health concerns please consider reaching out to our counseling team or any of these great resources.

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Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

WCC Counselors - May 15, 2024

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

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Artificial intelligence is still learning

WCC Counselors - March 13, 2024

As we continue to grow with technology there are some expected growing pains that accompany this process.

View Post :   Artificial intelligence is still learning


Student Sleeping in Library

How to Sleep Better at Night

WCC Counselors - January 25, 2024

Most wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the average college student is not getting enough sleep. Many are kept up at night with too many to-dos that need to get done, while others are spending time in bed stressing rather than sleeping. But the fact remains it’s important to get adequate shut-eye since a good night of sleep can greatly affect whether it’s a good next day.

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How do you 'protect your mental health'?

WCC Counselors - November 15, 2023

You may have heard the phrase, “protect your mental health”, but what does this mean? For many of us this phrase alone may conjure up thoughts of needing to fight off some type of danger or evil. While the phrase is well intended, perhaps it needs a tune up or to be reworked.

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July is BIPOC Mental Health Month

WCC Counselors - July 13, 2023

As a way to honor and celebrate Bebe Moore Campbell, a fierce mental health advocate, author and teacher, we encourage everyone to partake in a FREE WEBINAR presented by Mental Health America.

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

WCC Counselors - May 10, 2023

The month of May is a great time to reflect on our lives and review where we are mentally, emotionally, academically and physically.

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Gratitude: One concept that can change so much

Counselors - November 11, 2022

Would you believe it if we said you can improve your mental health, physical health and personal relationships, and get better sleep, by doing one simple thing? Well, it's true.

View Post :   Gratitude: One concept that can change so much


National Depression Screening Day on Oct. 6

WCC Counselors - September 26, 2022

WCC Personal Counseling is recognizing National Depression Screening Day from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, October 6. Stop by the Community Room on the first floor of the Student Center to take a depression screening.

View Post :   National Depression Screening Day on Oct. 6


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