The WCC Sustainability Council is charged by the President of the college to guide
the implementation of the WCC Climate Action and Sustainability Plan (CASP), and to
provide leadership in integrating sustainability concepts into all core functions
of the college.
The Council will consist of representatives from Facilities, Public Relations & Marketing, Student Development & Activities, and Finance & Administration, Professional Faculty, other staff, and students. Working Groups will meet at least once a month to implement the Objectives of the Council. The Facilitator (or Co-Facilitators) of each Working Group will initiate recruitment of members, convene meetings and facilitate the group in meeting its objectives. On a quarterly basis, representatives from each of the working groups and will meet to review and coordinate the work of the subcommittees, to make final decisions and to approve final reports.
- Review the CASP and work collaboratively with college departments and other entities to develop action steps, annual goals, and required resources to implement the CASP.
- Recommend changes to the CASP.
- Monitor implementation progress of the CASP.
- Advise the President and Executive Leadership Team on recommended action steps, required resources, and implementation progress.
- Prepare a progress report for the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) every other year (next report due on January 2016).
- Help develop and implement projects, campaigns and educational events to more fully engage students, faculty and staff in campus sustainability efforts.
- Communicate the sustainability practices of the college to the campus and broader community.
- Develop an annual set of Council goals and planned actions designed to further promote and advance an institutional culture of sustainability.
Please use the Contact Us page to find out more about the Sustainability Council, sign up for the mailing list or volunteer to help.
Working Groups:
Buildings and Energy, Water, Operations
Facilitator: Bill Ghrist
Facilitator: No one at this time
Zero Waste
Facilitator: Becky Andrews
Natural Resources
Facilitator: Holly Herman
Food and Agriculture
Facilitator: Sandy McCarthy
Facilitators: Don Harrison and Terry Barns
Curriculum, Education, & Engagement
Facilitators: Emily Thompson and Smita Malpan
Community Outreach
Facilitators: Christy Main and Lisa Wheeler