Academic Departments

Business and Computer Technologies Division

Dean: Eva Samulski
Office Professional: Anette Preston

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Health Sciences Division

Dean: Shari Lambert
Office Professional: Deanna Benyo

Department Department Chair
Allied Health (ALHD)

Kristina Sprague

Program Directors:
Dental Assistant: Kristina Sprague
Medical Assisting: Rhonda Johns
Physical Therapist Assistant: Ashley Bernstein
Radiography: William Nelson
Surgical Technology: Kathryn Hernandez

Health Science (HLTS)

Rene Stark

Nursing (NHSD)

Theresa Bucy

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Humanities, Social & Behavioral Sciences Division

Dean: Anne Nichols
Office Professional: Aimee Smith

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Math, Sciences & Engineering Technology Division

Dean: Tracy Schwab
Office Professional: Kwami Williams

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Advanced Technologies and Public Service Careers Division

Dean: Eva Samulski
Office Professional: Toni Ellicott

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Economic, Workforce & Community Development

Vice President: Michelle Mueller
Office Professional: Barbara Huff

Department Department Contact
Corporate Training & Lifelong Learning  
Skilled Trades Training Programs
United Association Programs and Services (UASD)
Marilyn Donham, Dean
Anthony Esposito, Technical Director
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Workforce and Community Development Division

Vice President: Brandon Tucker

Department Department Contact
Apprenticeships Kyrsten Rue, Director of Career Success
Shawn Deron, Director of Ironworkers Education
Brandon Tucker, Vice President & Chief Workforce & Community Development Officer
Workforce Development Marilyn Kay Kapp, Executive Director of Workforce & Community Development
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